The Confederation of Shipbuilding & Engineering Unions
Keep Britain Afloat
Keep Britain Afloat
23 November 2020 / Reports

The Keep Britain Afloat campaign has had a huge impact on the campaign to have the Future Solid Support ships built in the UK. Here’s how we did it.

The Alex Ferry Foundation
The Alex Ferry Foundation
23 November 2020 / Reports

The AFF has published its latest newsletter with news of community and research grants plus a look forward to how Covid will impact the work of the charity.

CSEU Bulletin
CSEU Bulletin
23 November 2020 / Reports

The CSEU Bulletin has the latest news on ongoing campaigns and events being organised by the CSEU. For further information contact the office.

Shovel ready defence programmes
Shovel ready defence programmes
17 August 2020 / Reports

Strategic investment in our industrial and manufacturing infrastructure will play a vital role in ensuring that the British economy is able to weather the economic crisis following the coronavirus pandemic. 

Campaigning for a shorter working week
Campaigning for a shorter working week
1 June 2020 / Campaign | Economy | Reports

Campaigning for a shorter working week is part of the CSEU’s DNA. At the end of the 1980s we ran the ‘Drive for 35’ campaign to reduce working time down from 39 hours a week.

Fleet Solid Support Ships Report
Fleet Solid Support Ships Report
31 May 2018 / Campaign | News | Reports

As previously trailed, I am delighted to announce the publication of the CSEU’s report on Fleet Solid Support Ships – “Fleet Solid Support Ships – Supporting the Royal Navy, Supporting the United Kingdom”.