The Confederation of Shipbuilding & Engineering Unions
Breathe Safe – campaign launch
Breathe Safe – campaign launch
23 June 2023 / Health and safety | News

Four years ago, the HSE issued a safety alert about the link between mild steel welding fume and cancer. A one-day conference has been held in Glasgow by the Breathe Safe campaign to raise awareness among the UK’s 88,000 welders and their families of potential symptoms including sore eyes, itching and unsteadiness. The General Secretary, Breathe Safe – campaign launch

Engineering workers to vote on national 12.75% wage deal
Engineering workers to vote on national 12.75% wage deal
1 July 2022 / News

Workers at BAE Systems are set to vote on deal worth 12.75% over two years.

Breathe Safe
Breathe Safe
9 December 2021 / News

The Breathe Safe campaign has been launched. The campaign will raise awareness of workplace health issues related to weld fume. There are estimated to be up to 80,000 welders in the UK and every day these workers come into contact with welding fume. Follow and sign up to the campaign on Twitter and Facebook.

Alan Robson – Former CSEU General Secretary
Alan Robson – Former CSEU General Secretary
7 December 2021 / News

The CSEU is sad to announce that Alan Robson, a much respected and valued former trade union official died on the 1st December 2021 surrounded by his family. Before becoming a full-time trade union official, he worked at Swan Hunters and as a Marine engineer (3rd) on a variety of ships.    He went on to have Alan Robson – Former CSEU General Secretary

Arguments for a shorter working week – Letter to The Guardian
Arguments for a shorter working week – Letter to The Guardian
20 October 2021 / Blog

The Guardian article (The big idea: should we work less?, 11 October) was an interesting and compelling argument for shorter working time. It is a discussion that is timely given the twin challenges of decarbonisation and greater automation that many workers face, but it is also long overdue. A report carried out by the New Arguments for a shorter working week – Letter to The Guardian

Leaked letters from the CSEU to the Secretary of State
Leaked letters from the CSEU to the Secretary of State
8 March 2021 / News

Ministry of Defence cost cutting over the contracts to maintain the UK’s surface fleet has hit the headlines.

Apprenticeships have never been as important
Apprenticeships have never been as important
5 February 2021 / Blog

Last autumn the Government announced its Lifetime Skills Guarantee, as part of its Covid response, which focussed on apprenticeships and a commitment to increased investment.

Sink or swim for shipbuilders after flood of cash
Sink or swim for shipbuilders after flood of cash
7 December 2020 / News

A shortage of skills could yet frustrate the Prime Minister’s bold ambitions to safeguard both the industry and union

Keep Britain Afloat
Keep Britain Afloat
23 November 2020 / Reports

The Keep Britain Afloat campaign has had a huge impact on the campaign to have the Future Solid Support ships built in the UK. Here’s how we did it.

The Alex Ferry Foundation
The Alex Ferry Foundation
23 November 2020 / Reports

The AFF has published its latest newsletter with news of community and research grants plus a look forward to how Covid will impact the work of the charity.

CSEU Bulletin
CSEU Bulletin
23 November 2020 / Reports

The CSEU Bulletin has the latest news on ongoing campaigns and events being organised by the CSEU. For further information contact the office.

£16bn defence spending boost must help British industry, companies say.
£16bn defence spending boost must help British industry, companies say.
23 November 2020 / Campaign | News

The Prime Minister has pledged to use the money to create 40,000 jobs, stimulate growth and support the UK’s nations

MoD’s drive for competition is a security threat, Defence Secretary warned
MoD’s drive for competition is a security threat, Defence Secretary warned
2 November 2020 / News

Splitting national security contracts into smaller work packages endangers the country’s military power, warns unions

Redistribution of working time and wealth webinar
Redistribution of working time and wealth webinar
26 October 2020 / Campaign | Events | News

The Confederation of Shipbuilding & Engineering Unions along with the Institute Of Employment Rights and the Campaign For Trade Union Freedom are holding a webinar.

Why supporting the Royal Navy is a battle for British shipbuilding
Why supporting the Royal Navy is a battle for British shipbuilding
23 October 2020 / News

The CSEU appears in this article in the Daily Telegraph following the announcement by the Defence Secretary that ‘significant proportions’ of the FSS programme would be built in the UK.

CSEU Supports ‘Save The Union Learning Fund’ Campaign
CSEU Supports ‘Save The Union Learning Fund’ Campaign
19 October 2020 / Blog | Campaign

The Government’s announcement that it intends to scrap the £12 million of funding by April 2021 has been roundly condemned by unions, employers and skills bodies.

Johnson’s skills announcement falls flat
Johnson’s skills announcement falls flat
30 September 2020 / Campaign | News

The Prime Minister’s announcement this week on training and skills has been met with scepticism and as another “sound bite with no delivery”

TUC: Chancellor’s short-time working scheme is a significant step forward
TUC: Chancellor’s short-time working scheme is a significant step forward
24 September 2020 / Campaign | News

The government should target help at industries facing a tough winter, and provide more support for families most at risk of hardship and debt.

Government Help On Apprentices A Start – But Nowhere Near Enough
Government Help On Apprentices A Start – But Nowhere Near Enough
11 September 2020 / Blog

The Government is set to sign a statutory instrument but it falls short of what the consortium of unions, skills bodies and employers were seeking.

Emergency measures to save apprenticeships
Emergency measures to save apprenticeships
1 September 2020 / Blog

Industry, unions and training providers are calling for emergency measures to save apprenticeships and provide re-skilling and retraining to secure skills essential for the UK ‘s post Covid recovery.

The UK should listen to the unions like the German’s do.
The UK should listen to the unions like the German’s do.
21 August 2020 / Blog | Campaign | News

They discovered that the Germans have an agreed system for short time working to protect employment during times of crisis.

Call to Arms
Call to Arms
17 August 2020 / Campaign | News

Union chiefs say nine defence projects must be prioritised to safeguard jobs in recession.

Shovel ready defence programmes
Shovel ready defence programmes
17 August 2020 / Reports

Strategic investment in our industrial and manufacturing infrastructure will play a vital role in ensuring that the British economy is able to weather the economic crisis following the coronavirus pandemic. 

MPs fire salvo in £1bn Navy contract row
MPs fire salvo in £1bn Navy contract row
9 August 2020 / Campaign | News

MoD refuses to release findings into South Korea deal despite the fact its objective was to learn lesson

Royal Navy’s “Build British” Debate Heats Up Once More
Royal Navy’s “Build British” Debate Heats Up Once More
5 August 2020 / Campaign | News

The UK Ministry of Defence’s contract tender for three new fleet auxiliaries has begun again, nine months after it was suspended amidst concerns about foreign bidders.

Foreign firms could build new naval ships.
Foreign firms could build new naval ships.
4 August 2020 / Campaign | News

Foreign companies are being invited to take part in early plans to build new ships to support the Royal Navy

Supporting aviation and aerospace jobs
Supporting aviation and aerospace jobs
1 June 2020 / Campaign | News

The CSEU is launching a campaign asking Government to look beyond the headline job losses and take urgent action to sustain the hundreds of thousands of jobs that depend on Britain’s aviation industry which is the second biggest in the world.

Campaigning for a shorter working week
Campaigning for a shorter working week
1 June 2020 / Campaign | Economy | Reports

Campaigning for a shorter working week is part of the CSEU’s DNA. At the end of the 1980s we ran the ‘Drive for 35’ campaign to reduce working time down from 39 hours a week.

How would Churchill kick start the economy?
How would Churchill kick start the economy?
1 June 2020 / Blog | Economy

The Chancellor has said that he ‘was deeply troubled’ by warnings from the Office of Budget Responsibility (OBR) that the economy could shrink by 35% as a result of the Coronavirus. He’s right to be worried and so should we all. The OBR’s report outlines the scale of the economic crisis facing us. Under current How would Churchill kick start the economy?

Protection at work
Protection at work
1 June 2020 / Blog

Maybe, once this is all over, we will all come to look at the workers who carried on delivering vital work while the rest of us were sent home in a different way?

Future working world
Future working world
1 June 2020 / Blog | News

Ian Waddell’s article for The Morning Star on the response to Covid-19 in our future working world

UK and US Unions Warn Johnson and Trump On Trade Deals
UK and US Unions Warn Johnson and Trump On Trade Deals
23 March 2020 / Economy

The UK Trade Union Congress and the AFL-CIO, have warned the White House and Downing Street that  future trade deal must put workers’ jobs and rights first.

Scottish Welding Safety Conference 2019
Scottish Welding Safety Conference 2019
12 November 2019 / Health and safety

The CSEU has launched a series of industrial conferences on welding fumes at a packed event in Glasgow. The purpose of the conference was both to highlight the traditional dangers associated with welding and respond to the recognition that welding fumes can cause lung cancer

IndustriAll Europe makes the case for collective bargaining in new campaign
IndustriAll Europe makes the case for collective bargaining in new campaign
3 October 2019 / Campaign

The giant European trade union federation IndustriAll Europe, which covers 7m manufacturing, mining and energy workers has launched a campaign which aims to demonstrate the positive impact of collective bargaining.

CSEU calls for government action at Harland & Wolff
CSEU calls for government action at Harland & Wolff
8 August 2019 / Campaign

The future of Belfast’s Harland & Wolff shipyard could be guaranteed if the Government were to award the contract to build aircraft carrier support vessels to a UK Consortium, a union claims.

Crucial boost for battle to build new Royal Navy supply ships in Britain
Crucial boost for battle to build new Royal Navy supply ships in Britain
15 November 2018 / Campaign | News

Campaigners calling for new Royal Navy supply ships to be built in Britain have seized on comments they say prove the case for keeping the £1billion deal in the UK – The Daily Mirror.

Autumn 2018 Update
Autumn 2018 Update
9 November 2018 / Blog | News

An important document about the aerospace industry has been published by a European body, following an inquiry where I gave evidence on behalf of the UK trade unions.

Update: Fleet Solid Support ships
Update: Fleet Solid Support ships
30 July 2018 / Blog | Campaign | News

It has been a busy few weeks for the CSEU as we have really ramped up our campaign on the Fleet Solid Support ships

Ferry Foundation gets High Court Approval
Ferry Foundation gets High Court Approval
30 June 2018 / Campaign | News

Breaking news – the High Court have approved our application to gift the money in the 35 Hour Week Campaign fund to the new charity, the Alex Ferry Foundation!

Fleet Solid Support Ships Report
Fleet Solid Support Ships Report
31 May 2018 / Campaign | News | Reports

As previously trailed, I am delighted to announce the publication of the CSEU’s report on Fleet Solid Support Ships – “Fleet Solid Support Ships – Supporting the Royal Navy, Supporting the United Kingdom”. 

Six month’s Update
Six month’s Update
30 April 2018 / Blog

I am amazed to look back and see that it is over six months since I wrote my first blog – time flies when you are having fun!  It has been a whirlwind so far, with a number of highlights. 

General Secretary Endorsement
General Secretary Endorsement
20 November 2017 / Blog

I am delighted that the CSEU Executive Committee unanimously endorsed my appointment as General Secretary of the CSEU recently.